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How to Prepare Your ***Hole for Forced Bi [Anal Training]


Captain Obvious points out that Forced-Bi scenes often involve anal sex.[1] And, if Xvideos and Pornhub have taught us anything, he’s absolutely right.

Granted, this is not always or necessarily the case, as quite a few coerced-bi Mistresses have an affinity for cocksuckers!

(For some choice illustrations of this from the archives, see Goddess Asari, Mistress Kelle Martina, Mistress Luci White, Sabina Erotica, and “Teamviewer Mommy” Lesley.)

But assfucking, of one sort other,[2] is a regular – or at least a potential – feature of numerous encouraged-gay encounters.

Many practitioners – whether on the giving or the receiving end 😉 – maintain that, before butt sex can be pleasurable, the anus must be “trained.”

There’s a good anatomical / physiological reason for this: the anus appears, functionally, to exit-only and not really built to accommodate penetrations.

Sadomasochistic Caveat:

Of course, the Forced-Bi fetish is a fairly broad tent, so to speak.

Some interested (and masochistic) subs profess to enjoy experiencing pain. And some sadistically minded Dominants are prepared enthusiastically to dish it out!

For these folks, talk of “pleasure” might seem misplaced.

Yet, it is probably worthwhile to distinguish between a person’s subjective feelings about an act, and the impact an act has upon a person’s body, objectively.

This is simply to say that felt pain is one thing – the loss of anal elasticity is another.

Some masochists may embrace the former without intending to suffer the latter. And some sadists may have no problem inflicting the first and yet actively avoid causing the second.

I’m sure other combinations could be dreamt up.

Caveats Aside…

For the time being, let’s say that you’re interested in minimizing physical damage or maximizing physical pleasure – or both.

(Many writers assert that neither anal play, nor pegging/strapon sex, nor prostate manipulation should hurt.[3] Some authorities even refer to the male prostate as the “P-spot” and draw an analogy to it and the better-known female G-spot. The metaphor isn’t perfect. But, legend has it that the prostate is encased in nerves that can lead to a very pleasurable sexual experience – and even, possibly, a “prostate orgasm” – when they are, well, let’s just say… probed.)

Then you’re going to want to engage in some training of ye olde anus.

One of the first things to realize is …working up to a respectable size – whether the cock is made of plastic or man flesh – will take time.

‘But, I Saw this Video Where…’

I know. I know.

You’re here because you have been binge watching Carmen Rivera, Cybill Troy, and Lexi Sindel.

You feel a kind of inexplicable rapport with the model – who’s not a gooned-out subbie in real life, but plays one on tube sites.

He’s blissfully getting his intestines rearranged by some ginormous, novelty strapon phallus while Mistress’s bosoms bounce hypnotically. And you think:

“That could be me!”

To quote Biff Tannen. Hello, McFly!

You’re thinking with your pecker again.

Even if – per impossibile – you could score some hot, sado-Goddess to turn your rectum into a cock mold, you can’t go from 0 to 12” in ten seconds, flat.

Unless… do you know a good proctologist?

But, seriously.

Anal Escalation

Begin with something manageably small.

And, no, this isn’t an SPH reference.

Use your finger for more than typing “massive strapon mistress” into the Google search bar.

(Oh, for Pete’s sake. I’ve distracted you, haven’t I? Just click HERE – later!)

Stick that digit up there.

Then you can graduate to two fingers. Three.

You get the idea.

There are also slim-profile toys, if that’s more you’re speed.

The key word is gradual.

If the Shoe – Or Object – Fits?

I’m thinking, here, about anal beads and butt plugs – in the introductory sizes!

Caveat! Unless you’re an expert or a glutton for punishment (and possible emergency-room visits) stick with toys that are designed for anal use.

You can usually tell because they’ll probably be advertised that way.

Structurally, safe anal toys will have bases that are wider than the insertable parts – so that the entire things don’t get gobbled up your increasingly ravenously hungry hole.

Getting an entire object stuff in your bowels isn’t sexy. Such a thing can be tricky to remove.

Sometimes, you may end up having to consult a doctor. And a hospital trip isn’t most people’s idea of a fun evening.

Oil That Opening

Also, you’re probably going to want a grease job.

I mean, if not… hey! It’s your hole.

Remember back to anatomy class, though.

The asshole isn’t self-lubricating.

“Ass pussy” is more of a term of art.


And you know the saying, “less is more”?


Forget it.

It doesn’t apply, here.

When it comes to proper “lubing,” more is better.

In fact, you probably want to err on the side of overapplying the stuff – at least, at first.

Once you get to know your body and develop a knack for making that shit-shoot all slippery, then you can be stingier.

Silicone or Something Else?

The running joke is that Vaseline is the old standby for getting analized.

And, if you’re going to be ridden bareback[4] up your, um… Brokeback Mountain, then petroleum-jelly based products might be fine.

(This isn’t the place to get into the – sexually-transmitted disease / infection – risks associated with condom-less sex. That’ll be the subject of a future exploration.)

But! And this is a big, ol’ but(t)…

Petroleum jelly degrades latex condoms, potentially rendering them unreliable (at best) and undermining their purpose.

Additionally, sex toys are often constructed out of various polymers and silicone.[5]

Petroleum products can erode these materials as well.

So… Vaseline is probably out for use with your growing collection of dildos as well.

Plus, the stuff is just danged hard to wash off skin – let alone remove from, well, uh… crevices.

This leaves a couple of options.

Firstly, you can select a water-based lubricant, such as the venerable K-Y Jelly. Is reportedly safe for use with latex condoms and sex toys. And it’s easy to wash off, as it breaks down when exposed to water.

The downside – in my experience – is that friction tends to affect it more quickly than some alternatives. It quickly gets sticky and doesn’t seem to be very lube-y.

But, this could be remedied by repeatedly reapplications.

All in all, it’s a viable choice.

Secondly, though, you could go for a silicone-based lube. Astroglide is an example.

Astroglide is marketed as being ideal for sex-toy use – at least, those that aren’t themselves made out of silicone. (If so, see option 1.) Plastic? Metal? No problem.

Indeed, it does seem appear to stay slick for a lot longer than its water-based counterparts.

The only negative, really, is that its lubriciousness can make it a bit more difficult to wipe away.

Consider, though…

You’re using it to grease your skids.

You can worry about cleanup afterwards 😉

Pelvic-Thrust Time?

Drop your ding-a-ling for a minute and hold your horses.

You gotta realize…

For a little while, you will have to be happy with just getting something “in there.”

You might not even be able to touch the area – at first – without clenching and tensing up something horrible.

(Another thing to investigate is the so-called “prostate massage.”)

Depending upon how overeager you are, and how quickly you try to “level up,” size-wise, you may find yourself – at intervals – knocking on the door of your anus with some too-big thingamajig that just doesn’t seem to fit.

If it really won’t “go,” back off! Your eyes were bigger than your manhole this time. Don’t blow your O-ring!

If, on the other hand, and after pushing and pushing, you finally do manage to “pop” the depraved doodad past your stunned sphincter, you may just blow your wad without further ado.

No thrusting. Nothin’.

(This is where some practitioners will bring in edging. But, I digress.)

Actual Anal Training

Give it time. Get used to the sensations. Get accustomed to the sizes.

Cross the motion bridge when you learn to relax enough to accommodate an object painlessly.

You see?

The “training” is, at least in part, the process whereby you acclimate your anus to prospect of becoming a receptacle.

That’s the physiological component.

It’s a remodeling job! Turning the backdoor into a main entrance.

If you’re a do-it-yourselfer, you just need the proper tools.

If you’re not, you could turn towards a professional. (Hint: See the concluding paragraphs!)

But there’s also a psychological component.

Learning to relax.

Not just mentally. Although, that’s a part of it.

Down there. Teach yourself to relax your muscles. Loosen up.

Butt Plugs

What class do you register for after Introduction to Your Anus and Finger Appreciation 101?

For intermediate learning, might I recommend Joy of Butt Plugging?

The idea is this:

You’re not only getting used to the bare act of insertion (which, to be sure, is no mean feat); you’re getting used to sustained penetration.

Just as before, the best advice is to move slowly.

It’s like working out, where you are supposed to start off with a few minutes of exercise and very light weights.

Only, here, it’s with sex toys. And your asshole.

But, you get the picture.

Put a small butt plug in for a little bit of time – maybe 5 minutes. Try it for a week.

Then extend the interval.

And, when ready, increase the size.

Remember: there’s length and diameter in play, here.

Fantasy & Reality

Don’t let your public-humiliation imagination run away with you, however.

I wouldn’t venture out of the house for a shopping excursion, just yet.

You have to get used to the feel of keeping a plug in there. You need to get your breathing under control.

You don’t want to hyperventilate. And, you certainly don’t want it to slip out!


Moreover, unless you’re totally clean (and, by the way, cleaning yourself out is another thing you need to practice doing), you could get nasty leakage – or worse.

So… I’d stay in the privacy in your own quarters for the time being.

‘But, This Could Take a While!’

Well… yeah.


If your ambition is really, truly to get bona-fide fucked or pegged, then you must prepare yourself properly.

Having said that, you could just satisfy yourself living vicarious thru your library of porn links.

If you want the real McCoy, though – and you want it to be enjoyable – then this is the way.

It’s never easy, is it?!?

But…it can be painless.

Anal sex, that is.

Your anus.

This is actually where it can be helpful to have a guide.

Hey!!! Guess what!

Did you know that knows a few Dommes, Doms, and Mistresses with experience and interest in this type of thing?!?

Maybe we can put you in contact with one or two.

So, like the butthole asked the strapon: “Are you in or out?”[6]


[1] News flash: You poop out of your asshole. Now, it’s not as if feces is constantly pressed up against the anus ready to burst forth. All that excrement is usually a bit further up in the colon and doesn’t make its merry way until you start bearing down. But, if you’re contemplating putting stuff into – or touching – your anus, then you really ought to put a premium on cleanliness and hygiene. It’s not just because you could come into contact with actual shit. It’s also because of the attendant bacteria. This means you’ll have to get comfortable with enemas – or, if you like, rectal douches. However, it’s a nuanced enough topic that I won’t try to cover it in this post. Look for a follow-up article.

[2] I.e., with dildos, plastic cocks and strapons; or with genuine, fleshy, man meat.

[3] If you experience genuine pain, consult your physician.

[4] Bareback sex is widely considered to be “unsafe,” especially if your partner’s health status (or name!) is unknown to you. So, even though this topic deserves a longer treatment, let me suffice it to say, for the time being, that penetrative sex between consenting adults can result in the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. Neither, nor any of its associates, contributors, interviewees, etc., advise, condone, endorse, or recommend that you engage in behavior that puts your health at risk. You do so at your own risk. You have been warned!

[5] For additional protection, you may want to cover sex toys with condoms.

[6] Dildo image credit: CC BY-SA 3.0, File:Black-Dildo.jpg, Uploaded: 31 May 2006, Monkey image credit: Rita Juliana,