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Miss Chloe Talks Man-on-Man Sex, Mindfucks, & Forced Bi

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Greetings and salutations, you curious searchers and would-be subs out there! Today, we have an enchanting and bosomy Domme who also happens to be an articulate proponent of female supremacy. You all had better be on your best behavior! And make sure you watch your backside. Because – believe me – she’s perhaps an even bigger Forced-Bi afficionado than you are! So… gird your loins!


Before we dive into the main questions, let me take extra care to mind my own Ps and Qs! May I ask, how should we address you? What name do you go by?

“Hi! Usually Miss Chloe.”

Right, Miss Chloe! Welcome, welcome!

“To be fair, it’s ‘yes, Boss’ or ‘yes, Goddess’ to my subs. But ‘Miss Chloe’ or ‘Miss’ is fine if you don’t know me – Chloe if we have a friendly rapport.”

Very good. I’ll stick to Miss Chloe for now, and let you determine where I fall when this is all said and done! Haha!

Let me ask you a general background question. How did you get into fetishes in general?

“I was actually headhunted into the fetish scene!”

No kidding? That’s a new one by me! How did that happen?

“I came onto the scene as a seller, and I must have just had that ‘vibe.’ Haha!

“And after I was led into the foundations, I just flew with it. I’m so pleased I was, though, because I think selling socks definitely wasn’t for me; domming is where my heart lies.”

Omg, socks?

So, how did you expand from the “basics” into Forced Bi?

“Again, Forced Bi was never anything I actively sought out. I had people come asking for it. I explored it and realised that I loved it.”

Well… we’re probably biased around here. But, may I say that we are pleased you decided as you did?!

Lemme explore some theory with you for a minute or two. What gets you going? I mean… is it mostly about the gay sex? Your power? …Something else?

“Well, I’m The Boss. I derive pleasure from getting what I want and being entertained. It’s deliciously entertaining if my subs are squirming.”

“Deliciously entertaining” has a ring to it! I’ll give you that!

So… you like making the subs… uncomfortable?

“I love the power – the cocked-eyebrow-smirk ability of saying ‘oh baby, you think you have a choice?’ But, truly – most of all – I love that I’m providing a safe space for people to carry out their taboo.”

Okay… interesting!

“I’ve never had a sub come away that hasn’t said, ‘That was amazing! You’re amazing!’”

Ooh! I believe you!

“It’s nice to give them that freedom.

“I think everyone should have that freedom! But there’s so many complex reasons they can’t. So, it’s cool to be able to give them that.”

Right on.

But, in that case, I wonder: Where do you see the “force” coming in with Forced Bi?

“I guess, to me, ‘force’ is the beautiful power of knowing that if I say, ‘Jump!’ they say, ‘How high?’

“Whatever I want, I get.”

That makes it clear! Haha!

How does a sub end up – no pun intended! – jumping into Forced Bi?

Or, to put it another way, do other fetishes – like maybe crossdressing, pegging or strapon play – lead in that direction?

“No. But, I think sometimes they can intertwine.”

Fair enough. How so?

“I love dressing a bitch up to whore themselves out.”

Mmmm… you have a way with words, Miss Chloe!

“But, equally, man-on-man sex is hot as fuck.”

Ahem… yes! I was just going to ask… Is it getting warm in here??

Does Forced Bi have a lasting effect on the sub? For example, can it change a sub’s sexual orientation?

“It depends wholly on my sub.”


“I’ve had subs do it just to please me. And I’ve also provided a safe place for a curious sub to explore their sexuality under the guise of being ‘forced.’”

Ah, yes. I see what you’re saying.

“I think, as a Domme, you have to have a certain level of emotional and sexual intelligence to ‘wire into’ why a particular sub wants it. And then you play on that.

Mindfucking is a big thing of mine. Subs think they’re aloof, or slick. But… they aren’t!”

Haha! There’s no trick you haven’t seen.

“We always know what lies beneath.”

Now, you’ve talked about man-on-man sex. When it comes to Forced Bi, are your subs usually – or always – male?

“Well, yes …usually.

“But I think there’s magic in the ‘males’ who need to explore their trans journey through Forced Bi.”

Like… it’s a gateway?

“That’s absolutely not to say that all Forced-Bi subs are trans – or even gay!

“But the majority are males.”

Fair enough. That’s our experience, too. Why do you think that is?

“I think there’s more taboo around men being gay. And where there’s taboo, there’s kink.”

That’s for sure!

Okay… have to ask… is this mostly fantasy-chat stuff? Or… live and person-to-person?

“I prefer in the flesh.”

Mmmm… We hoped you’d say that!

“There’s nothing better than making someone a pretty little slut.”


“You’d be surprised how a nervous little bitch – who ‘just wants a kiss’ – suddenly wants to experience ten men at once as soon as he’s gotten into it.”

Or… it’s gotten into him! (Wink, wink!)

Honestly, though… I’ll just say that I’m here because I’m not surprised! And I’ll leave it at that! Bwahaha!

How do you see yourself?

I mean… Are you on the “light side,” playfully promoting healthy exploration? You suggested as much earlier when you mentioned establishing safe-exploration spaces. On the other hand, you’ve talked about whoring guys out – and half-suggested you’ve arranged ten-guy gay gangbangs! Lol!

So that makes me wanna ask: Are you operating more on the “dark side,” corrupting and tempting men to disaster like a mythical siren?


“It depends on who you ask!”

Oh? Like… a sub’s experience varies?

“I think that – on the surface – I appear to be on the dark side. And if you asked around, that’s what a lot of people might say.

“But, I also think that, deep down, I’m actually on the light side.”


“Just don’t tell anyone; I don’t want to ruin my carefully curated status.”


My lips are sealed, Miss Chloe!!

Okay, on that note… Do you have any limits? And, if so, what are they?

“Obviously, subs have to be of sound mind. So many queries are from guys who are blind drunk. And I think that’s so icky.”

Never considered that. Occupational hazard, I suppose.

“I get that a drunk mind relays sober thoughts. But, no. It’s not consensual that way. I won’t work with someone that won’t come to me professionally and openly.”

Readers: Take note!

Any thoughts on poppers?

“Poppers I’m okay with. Hell, we’ve all done poppers! They aren’t something that impairs you cognitively.”

Fair enough.

How about married men? I’m going to go out on a limb (sarcasm alert!) and guess you have a lot of them!

“I think married are sometimes the people that need it most.”

Forced Bi? Haha! Maybe.

“Let me just say I’m never a homewrecker. Nor would I ever encourage anything detrimental to the wife. I am, first and foremost, a female supremacist, after all.”

Oh, I see!

“Not a feminist, mind you! A supremacist.

“I’d never put a bitch’s needs before those of a woman. But, sometimes, I think a marriage can benefit from a man being able to express himself. And, if the woman is happy, then… so am I.

“What’s the saying? Happy wife, happy life!”

Yes. Indeed!

How do you feel about guys “barebacking”?

“Barebacking is something I can only give informed consent about. We use Grindr a lot.”

(The gay-sex app, for the three people who don’t know.)

“So, I can only try to make sure the scene is as safe as possible.

“I advocate for protection and safety. But, at the end of the day, if they feel the need to do that, it’s on them.”

I get the picture. You’re not necessarily overseeing gay encounters in a dungeon or whatever. You’re mostly encouraging – and maybe helping to facilitate – gay sex via Grindr!

And, once the meeting is arranged, then the sub is on his own with the top(ssss). Is that it?

“I don’t think I’ve ever had a sub who’s barebacked, though, or been unsafe.”

Oh, really? Like… they listen to your wise counsel?

“God, they’re like children going on their first date sometimes. Aren’t they?”


“You can’t help but worry, and oversee, and try control everything.

“Bloody men, eh.”


Thank you for speaking with us, Miss Chloe!

Oh! Wait, wait!

Don’t forget to let readers know where they can find you online!

“I’m @sweetbutsadist on Twitter. There, you can see more of my humour, and personality – and what I’m like as a dome / person.

“Then …follow my links thru there to see my tits.”

Oh?!? (Frantically logging into Twitter!)

It’s been a pleasure having you on, Miss Chloe!

As always – if you all haven’t already – be sure to connect with us, also: @ForcedBisexual!